Monday, August 24, 2009

red currants

I wanted to try these groseille, or red currants, before they were out of season, so I finally got some at our local outdoor market a couple of days ago. They are so pretty, and they taste a lot like blueberries I think except more sour, and I decided to make a tart because Eric loves tarts. It turned out pretty good. I used brown sugar (that Sarah brought me from the U.S.) because I read somewhere that the flavors go well together. I couldn't find an exact recipe that worked for me and what I had in stock, though, so I just kept it simple using Julia Child's tart crust recipe, the currants, and brown sugar, that's it.


  1. Have you seen Julie and Julia yet? I went to see it with the boys from Grill Art and really liked it. Tell me what you think.

  2. you can't get brown sugar in france?

  3. Well I didn't think so after looking high and low in the regular grocery store, but I did see it in the little American grocery shop, but of course it was like 10 euros a box which just sucks, so I asked her to bring some. That and Peter Pan peanut butter. And Mr. Goodbars for Eric. Then my friend Nina here told me that you can get it and it's called castonada, so I'll have to check that out some more I guess when I run out of the Domino stuff.

  4. I'm glad you saw the movie with the boyz, Rhona! It's not here yet but I will see it as soon as I can, I've decided. It's getting decent reviews all around except I keep hearing that they could pretty much just leave the modern-day story out of it. I think I'd also prefer just a Julia Child movie without extra distractions, but oh well.

  5. I definately preferred the Julia part of the movie. It was much more interesting & Merle Streep is my alltime favorite actress.
