Thursday, June 4, 2009


yay! literally 10 minutes ago, internet was finally connected at our house. i am doing great and am planning a really awesome new blog post but i must collect my thoughts and photos a bit first. bear with me! it'll happen in the next few days. so, eric and i are doing well, i love Paris and i'm pretty sure that my french is steadily improving. voila!


  1. Oh GOODIE! So glad you are back on line!
    Happy to hear from you, Holly dear.
    Hello to Eric and can't wait to read the rest
    of your Blog!
    Jane and Don

  2. GOODIE! YOU are back on line. So good to see you
    and Eric! Glad all is well and we think of you so often.
    Can't wait to read the rest of your blog!
    Jane and Don
